Spa Luhacovice - Czech Republic
Spa LuhačoviceSpa Luhacovice - Czech Republic
Spa Luhacovice

Procedure list

Prices of treatment procedures in CZK

Treatment procedures   PA JD CL
Inhalation of mineral water
Individual inhalation (one inhalation) S 190 160 175
Individual inhalation (five-inhalation package) P 500 - 500
Group inhalation MD, S 140 - 130
Drug inhalation MD, S 160 - 145
Carbonic baths
Natural carbonic bath L, W/2 420 465 380
Dry carbonic bath MD, L - - 310
Effervescent bath S 320 350 300
Effervescent bath with ingredients L 370 400 350
Ingredients bath L 340 370 320
Peat bath L, W/2 465 - 420
Humic bath L 465 475 420
Solfatan bath L, W/2 465 475 420
Iodine-bromine bath * 545 555 500
Whirlpool bath for whole body L 335 - 285
Whirlpool bath for lower (upper) limbs S 210 - 190
Alternating bath for limbs L 335 - 310
Alternating baths for legs S 210 - 190
Scottish shower S 210 - 190
Wellness baths as per the offer W 475 515 445
Classic massage (partial) S 240 260 190
Essential oil massage (partial) S 270 290 230
Manual underwater massage L 370 400 335
Automatic underwater massage L 335 370 310
Manual lymphatic drainage (1 limb) MD, L 540 590 490
Instrumental lymphatic drainage (30 minutes) MD, S 280 310 260
Wellness massages as per the offer W 435 465 400
Reflexology therapy
Reflexology massage (1 set) MD, L 435 465 400
Mobilization of spine and peripheral joints MD, L 435 465 400
Soft tissue techniques MD, L 435 465 400
Galvanic baths (two-chambered/four-chambered bath) MD, S 200 - 180
Diadynamic currents MD, S 145 160 135
Träbert currents MD, S 145 160 135
TENS MD, S 145 - 135
Interference currents MD, S 145 - 135
Diathermy (short wave / microwave) MD, S 200 - 180
Magnet therapy MD, S 250 270 230
Solux S 145 - 135
Peat wrap (1 part of the body) S, W/2 190 205 170
Peat wrap (each additional part of the body) L, W/2 115 130 105
Paraffin wrap (1 part of the body) S 120 - 90
Paraffin wrap (each additional part of the body) S 80 - 75
Steam bath / Warming up cabin S 50 - 50
Beeswax wrap W 485 495 465
Individual therapeutic exercise MD, L 395 425 360
Kinesio Taping (small tape) * 495 525 460
Group therapeutic exercise as per the medical indication S 60 - 60
Group therapeutic exercise - SM System S 100 - 100
Nordic walking (group) S 60 - 60
Group therapeutic exercise in the swimming pool S 125 140 115
Swimming in the pool - supervised (30 minutes) S 45 - 45
Other therapies
Ultrasound MD, S 120 130 110
Laser (1 application) MD, S 135 - 125
Gas injection MD, S 120 - 115
Oxygen therapy (30 minutes) S 220 250 200
Oxygen therapy (5x 30 minutes) P 800 800 800
Aromatherapy S 115 125 105
Medical and diagnostic examinations
Consultation with the doctor   370 370 340
Prescription of a procedure by the doctor   180 180 165
Spirometry – overall   205 - -
EKG   140 - 130
Swimming pool - Sauna
Swimming pool (1 hour)   55 - -
Swimming pool + whirlpool (1 hour)   - 140 60
Steam bath (30 minutes)   - - 50
Sauna (1 hour)   140 140 -

Explanatory notes:
PA/ JD procedures provided in the Spa Hotel Palace / Jurkovičův dům
CL procedures provided in the Central Spa, Inhalatorium and Spa Clinic
MD procedures can be undergone with a doctor’s prescription only
W/2 without a doctor’s prescription, these procedures can be undergone maximum twice a week
S small procedure
L large procedure
* only for direct payment or extra charge added to the procedure
P package of five inhalations /oxygen therapy, i.e. five small procedures, with a special price offer
W wellness procedure

Price changes reserved.
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Lazne Luhacovice, a.s., Lazenske namesti 436, 763 26 Luhacovice, Czech Republic, Phone: +420 577 682 111, E-mail:
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